by Kimberly Rinker, for the Ohio State Racing Commission
Columbus, OH — The Ohio State Racing Commission’s monthly meeting was held Feb. 22 at the Riffe Center, Columbus, Ohio.
The Commission discussed at length the three areas it intends to focus on in 2017: Advance Deposit Wagering (ADWs); medication policies and thresholds; and out of competition testing.
The Commission has scheduled a public meeting for March 27 at the Riffe Center at 1 p.m. (meeting room to be determined) to discuss ADWs. The Commission would appreciate any persons wishing to speak that afternoon at the ADW meeting to please send a copy of your written testimony to Executive Director Bill Crawford.
Currently, there is no statutory regulation regarding ADWs in Ohio, while surrounding states such as Kentucky and Pennsylvania have some type of ADW regulation in place.
As well, meetings to discuss medication policies and out of competition testing will be held in April, with a date and time forthcoming.
The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Ohio State Racing Commission will be on March 30 at 10 a.m., in Room 1960 of the Riffe Center, 77 S. High Street, Columbus, OH 43215.