by Crystal Beauchemin, for Saratoga Casino and Raceway
Saratoga Springs, NY — Plans of expansion are in progress at Saratoga Casino and Raceway, pending the legalization of Governor Cuomo’s proposal to enhance gaming in New York State.
The plan for expansion not only includes an additional 15,000 square feet of gaming space, but calls for the addition of a hotel, event center and dining options as well. The casino is also considering the inclusion of a parking garage. In entirety, it is estimated to be a $40 million expansion project.
Many benefits will be seen locally from the casino’s expansion, including the creation of hundreds of new jobs.
“We currently employ more than 600 team members with payroll expenditures totaling more than $20 million,” said Jamie Hartman, Executive Vice President and COO of Saratoga Casino and Raceway. “The expansion would generate several hundred union construction jobs and, once completed, an estimated 400 permanent new jobs in the area.”
Hartman estimates that from ground-breaking to completion, the project would take between six and nine months. The last major expansion at Saratoga Casino and Raceway was completed in 2007, which expanded the gaming floor and added both Vapor Night Club and the Garden Buffet.