from Baker Public Relations
Albany, NY — Baker Public Relations, a full-service, woman-owned communications firm in Albany, is proud to announce the addition of Saratoga Harness Horseperson’s Association to its diverse roster of lifestyle brands.
SHHA represents the interests of owners, breeders, trainers, drivers and caretakers of Standardbred horses. Its goal is to promote the welfare of harness racing in the United States and Canada with special regard to Saratoga Springs, N.Y., now in its 76th season of live harness racing.
“SHHA wants to keep this nostalgic sport front and center and growing in popularity. Fans are in it for various reasons, the majesty of the horses, thrill of gaming, affordability as a recreational activity and the all-around fun and enjoyment it brings to people of all ages and families,” said Tom McTygue, president, Saratoga Harness Horseperson’s Association. “We look forward to working with Baker PR to help us tell our story and spark new interest in harness racing.”
Baker PR will serve as strategic partner to SHHA, implementing a marketing and communications strategy that highlights SHHA, its members, and harness racing in upstate New York.
“We are honored and excited to be working with SHHA,” said Megan Baker, president and CEO, Baker Public Relations. “We are confident that we will raise SHHA’s brand visibility and we look forward to bringing harness racing locally to the next level.”