by WFD Media
London,ON — Friday night’s (Dec. 23) 16-race Super Card at The Raceway atWestern Fair District produced an all-time record handle as patrons pushedC$765,685 through the mutuel windows.
That totaleclipsed the previous high of C$697,000 which was set on Dec. 23, 2014.
“A bigthank you to the horseplayers who support our product all season and to ourhorsemen for supporting the entry box the way they did tonight with that numberof races,” said Director of Racing Greg Blanchard. “Our track crew had the ovalin fantastic shape and we couldn’t have asked for a better way to wrap thingsup here before the short Christmas break.”
The programwas bolstered by a trio of C$10,000 Guaranteed Pool Pick-4 wagers and an addedSuper Hi-5.
The Racewaywill be dark for Saturday (Dec. 24) and Sunday (Dec. 25) but will be backin action with the traditional Boxing Day program on Monday (Dec. 26),beginning at 1:15 p.m.
There is limited seating available for the brunch thatday and reservations can be made by calling 519-438-7203 (ext. 252).