by Sam Lilly, District 5 chairman
Springfield, IL — The USTA membership meeting for District 5 (Illinois) was held at the Crown Plaza Hotel in Springfield, Ill., on Saturday (Jan. 21).
There were 46 members present including Sam Lilly (Chairman), Ken Walker, D.V.M. (Director) and Jim Reynolds (Director).
Phil Langley and William Johnston, Jr. were re-elected as track directors for District 5. Ken Walker was re-elected to a three year membership director term. Sam Lilly was re-elected District Chairman.
The activities of the USTA were reviewed and the proposed Rule and By-Law changes were discussed and members voted on their preferences in each case.
Charlyn Fargo, Bureau Chief of Horse Racing and County Fairs of the Illinois Department of Agriculture, announced the winners of the point championships for the county fairs and presented certificates to those that were present.
Rita Williams, a Director of the Illinois Harness Horsemen’s Association, gave a comprehensive report of the activities of that organization in 2011. The report concentrated on their legislative activity and the status of the three percent money released after numerous court battles by the casino industry. She particularly thanked the horsemen for rallying to the cause when asked to contact their legislators in support or opposition to specific bills. She indicated the fight continues to attain legislation that the Governor will sign that will assist horsemen in securing greater purses.
Numerous members were interested in expanding the annual meeting format back to what it was like in earlier years and an ad hoc committee was formed to make proposals for that in the next annual meeting of the district.
No one attended representing the breeders’ organization so the Chairman distributed certificates to ICF divisional champions of 2011 to those owners who were present.