by Ellen Harvey, Harness Racing Communications
Augusta, ME — The USTA membership annual meeting of District 9 (New England) was held at Le Club Calumet in Augusta, Maine, on Saturday (Jan. 21).
There were 42 members present as well as directors Don Marean (Chairman), Dr. Timothy Powers, Paul Fontaine and new directors Fred Nichols and George Ducharme.
Mr. Nichols represents Bangor Raceway and replaces former track director Ed Callahan of Rockingham Park. Mr. Ducharme replaces the retiring Ron Ralph, who served as a director representing members.
The annual report of departmental activities was briefly reviewed by Ellen Harvey and rule change proposals were considered, discussed and voted on.
The meeting was adjourned to make way for a membership meeting of the Maine Harness Horsemen’s Association.
The evening culminated with an awards dinner for the top human and equine performers in Maine.