from the USTA Communications Department
Columbus, OH — United States Trotting Association Executive Vice President Mike Tanner is working with staff members and pertinent stakeholders on activities of greatest priority, as voted on by Summit participants, in increasing foal crops and the number of horse owners. The Summit was held in Columbus, Ohio, on July 13 and focused upon foal crop and ownership issues.
“We’ll take the message of our recent Summit participants to those in a position to make a change that we anticipate will show improvement in the target areas,” said Tanner. “There was unanimous sentiment that a shift in purse offerings to provide incentives for racing young, untested horses would yield an upturn in the breeding industry. We will be taking that message to both Harness Horsemen International and North American Harness Racing Secretaries, Inc.”
Education, in reproductive technology and husbandry practices, is also a priority.
“Nationally, we have a conversion rate of about 60 percent of mares bred to foals registered,” said Tanner. “However, there’s wide variation in that percentage between breeders. We have more resources to reach our members now than ever before and we plan to use them to empower all breeders, whether they have one horse or 100, to help their mares conceive and carry a healthy foal and raise that foal to be a commercially viable racehorse.”
The USTA will also team up with tracks, horsemen and pertinent stake holders to educate those considering first-time purchase of a Standardbred. The first such event is planned as a four-hour workshop on Sept. 12 at the Goshen (NY) Yearling Sale. For more information, or to sign up, contact Chris Tully at or call 845.807.7538.
Planning is underway for the next Summit, to concentrate on pari-mutuel wagering issues, that will be scheduled during the first quarter of 2016.
- Industry leaders discuss a myriad of ideas at USTA Summit (Monday, July 13, 2015)
On Monday (July 13), 40 key industry stakeholders met in Columbus, Ohio, to exchange dozens of ideas on how to address the problem of declining foal crops and the challenge of attracting new owners to harness racing at a summit organized by the U.S. Trotting Association.
- Enjoy Harness Racing through racehorse ownership! (Monday, August 31, 2015)
We’re thrilled to hear that you are interested in racehorse ownership.