from the USTA Communications Department
Columbus, OH — The new U.S. Trotting Association rule book is now available online on the USTA website under the Horsemen/Regulatory tabs on the homepage or by clicking this link.
Following are some of the highlights of the new rules in the 2018 USTA Rule Book:
• The use of a fair start pole was approved at all extended pari-mutuel tracks, to be erected at a clearly identifiable point before the start. If a horse has not reached the fair start pole when the horses are released by the starter, the judges may call an inquiry and request that money bet on the horse be refunded.
• Whip regulations and prohibitions are now more clearly defined.
• Breath analyzer requirements have been expanded to include any recognized test that shall produce immediate test results, and who is subject to a test.
• Action against the use of illegal drugs was expanded to prohibit the use of any illegal drug, any medication that may detrimentally impact performance or any unapproved stimulant, depressant, narcotic, or hypnotic, unless prior approval of the state regulatory authority verifies the use will not adversely affect the safety and well-being of both equine and human participants.
• Any horse that has been gelded or any mare that has been spayed must be recorded with the USTA within 30 days of being gelded or spayed. All horses programmed as a horse/colt/ridgling shall be verified as such prior to each start. A notice of castration form is also now available here.
• An option added to Pleasure Horse Registration will now allow owners to choose, upon application, either Pleasure Registration, where the owner prohibits registration of future offspring and terminates any electronic eligibility previously issued, or Pleasure Registration No Racing, in which owners terminate any electronic eligibility previously issued, but do allow the registration of offspring. The new pleasure horse conversion application may be found here.
• The breeder of record, as defined in Rule 4.18, may only be changed by the Registrar upon receiving proof that the transfer date of the dam was incorrectly submitted. Otherwise, the listed breeder of the horse shall not be changed after a foal has been registered and a registration certificate has been issued.
• The use of head numbers shall not be permitted at extended pari-mutuel tracks, but may be used at non-extended meetings/fairs.
• Any person listed as the registered owner(s) of a horse who is found to be directly or indirectly paying for training services on that horse by an individual who is ineligible to be programmed as a trainer, shall be suspended from membership.
• The registration of stallion syndicates and racing, farm, corporate, or stable names has been streamlined so that application may be made with one application for stallion syndicates and one for registered stables, regardless of type. In addition, all registered stables will be required to be renewed annually by Dec. 31. The new forms may be found here under “Stables.”
These changes will be reflected in the next update to the USTA’s Rule Book App, found on Apple’s iTunes, and Google Play stores, which can be found by searching “USTrotting.”