Caraluzzi runs for retired racehorses

by Ellen Harvey, Harness Racing Communications

Freehold, NJ — At 22, Jimmy Caraluzzi is a recent college graduate, helping at his father Joe Caraluzzi’s stable at Gaitway Farm in New Jersey while he looks for a job. Just out of college, he doesn’t have a lot of spare cash to give away, but he does have two strong legs that he’s hoping will go a long way toward building support for the Standardbred Retirement Foundation.

Jimmy Caraluzzi is looking to raise money for the Standardbred Retirement Foundation.

“About a year and a half ago, I started running,” says Caraluzzi. “I did a half marathon about a year ago. Eight or nine months ago, I signed up for the Philadelphia Marathon.”

The 26.2 mile race will be held on Nov. 18 and end up near the “Rocky” steps of the Philadelphia Art Museum.

“I’ve always wanted to help the Standardbred Retirement Foundation in some way. I saw on the USTA website that they were having troubles at their location and had to move, so I thought this would be a way to help them out.

“I graduated from Rutgers in May and am still looking for a job. I was a finance major, I’m looking for a job in investment management. I had an internship with a financial advisor, but that was more wealth management and I am more interested in portfolio management.”

Caraluzzi says his training has not been without its challenges and he’s been nursing along a “lameness” issue.

USTA/Ken Weingartner photos

Jimmy Caraluzzi works on the 4-year-old pacing gelding Mr Perseverance.

“About two months ago, I was up to around 15 miles and got tendonitis in my knee,” he says. “I had to miss about three weeks. That set me back quite a bit. I started going to the gym and using the elliptical and treadmill more, because it’s easier on my knees.

“I did a half marathon a month ago in Yonkers (time was 1:50). That was three weeks after coming back from the injury, so I wasn’t really prepared; I was just trying to catch up. I did an 18 mile run two weeks ago and I did a 20 mile run last week. I’m still alright.”

Caraluzzi says he’s borrowed a few strategies from the racehorse world to keep himself sound.

“I always take days off after a long run, just like the racehorses do,” he says. “I ice myself. I run around the development where my dad lives (Raintree in Freehold). I have a lot of rock, some hip hop, some of everything on my ipod — anything to keep me going.”

Caraluzzi says his fundraising goal is $2,000 — about $77 a mile.

“I have about $300 right now (his goal is $2,000), it’s inching up there. People can use Payitsquare to donate — it’s very secure. I want to help the SRF find horses homes and keep them healthy — anything they need to do.”

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  • Caraluzzi raises $2,080 for SRF (Monday, November 19, 2012)
    Jimmy Caraluzzi, 22, a recent Rutgers University graduate working as a groom for his father, Joe, while looking for professional employment, turned in a time of 3:37.57 for the 26.2 miles of the Philadelphia Marathon on November 18, and raised $2,080 for the Standardbred Retirement Foundation in the process.

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