Seelster Farms 2016 yearling videos available online

from Seelster Farms

Lucan, ON — Seelster Farms announced today that their 2016 yearling videos are now available online.

This year’s consignment features a great group of more than 40 individuals that will be selling at the Forest City Yearling Sale on Oct. 23 and in Harrisburg, beginning on Nov. 7, Seelster Farms will sell seven yearlings.

The Forest City Sale consignment consists of four by Artistic Fella, five by Big Jim, six by Camluck, three by Holiday Road, one by Justice Hall, one by Kadabra, five by Mach Three, nine by Shadow Play, six by Sportswriter, and one by Shanghai Phil.

Our Harrisburg consignment consists of one by Andover Hall, two by Bettor’s Delight, one by Muscle Mass, one by Rock N Roll Heaven, and two by Well Said.

Inspections are always welcomed. Contact the farm today at 519.227.4294 to schedule a viewing of this year’s impressive line-up.

To view the videos, please visit

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