Yonkers Raceway October post time information

by Frank Drucker, Publicity Director, for Empire City at Yonkers Raceway

Yonkers, NY — Some points of information regarding Yonkers Raceway’s October post times.

First, the ‘usuals’. Mondays, Thursdays, Fridays and just about all Saturdays remain at 7:10 p.m. Tuesday matinees continue at 1:00 p.m.

Second, the ‘variables’. On Saturday (Oct. 15), the date for the $1 million Yonkers International Trot, a requested first post of 1:10 p.m. has been submitted to the New York State Gaming Commission.

Sunday late-morning/early afternoon racing returns just the day before Halloween—the first of six Sundays (Oct. 30) between then and the (Dec. 18) end of the racing season—but as of this writing, post time for the Sunday program is the ever-popular TBA.

Obviously, updated information shall be sent out when available.

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