HHI Committee Meetings Conclude Today

Harness Racing Communications, a division of the USTA

The second day of the annual Harness Horsemen International (HHI) convention was held today, with committee meetings the primary order of business.

Committees on insurance, legislation and legal matters, budget, credentials and USTA relations met on Sunday with a meeting of particular importance taking place on the insurance committee. Details pertaining to a lawsuit filed against HHI member Ken Woods for damages caused by a loose horse to a truck and driver in 1999 were discussed. The HHI third party liability insurance, one of the group’s most vital services to their members, did cover the damages sought by the plaintiff, approximately $1,000,000. The secondary insuror initially denied the claim, but the matter was successfully resolved, with the help of HHI, in a summary court judgement in January of 2005 directing the secondary insuror to pay the claim.

The requirements for the third party liability coverage are now changing, with the resolution of that case, and the HHI insurance committee met with representatives of Markel Insrance to review those changes.

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