Ed Martin To Lead Racing Commissioners

Harness Racing Communications, a division of the USTA

Frank Zanzuccki, chairman of the Association of Racing Commissioners International (RCI) has announced that Edward J. Martin has been named president and chief executive officer of the association.

Of the appointment, Zanzuccki said, “We are extremely fortunate and pleased to select an individual of Ed Martin’s stature to serve as our organization’s next chief executive. He is an experienced regulator who has a grasp of the important issues and possesses the right blend of experience, knowledge and the ability to lead our organization.”

Martin is expected to begin his tenure at RCI around the first of April. He is currently in the process of winding up his duties with the New York State Racing and Wagering Board, where he has served as executive director since 1997. Prior to joining the racing board in New York, Martin managed the New York Department of Economic Development and served as a member of the New York Casino Gambling Commission. From 1991 through 1996, Martin Served as CEO of Armadillo Group, Inc., a strategic communications group he founded. Throughout the 1980s, Martin held positions with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, was chief spokesman and advisor to U.S. Senator Alfonse D’Amato and was director of communications and senior advisor to the majority leaders and members of the New York State Senate.

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