Hana Hanover, Michelle’s Power take Garnsey divisions

by Nicole Kraft, communications director, U.S. Trotting Association

Lexington, KY — Hana Hanover proved she deserved to be 1-9 in the wagering for the $152,000 second division of the Glen Garnsey Memorial, as she rebuffed a tough far-turn challenge from Before Dawn and dug in down the stretch to defeat Isabella Blue Chip by a head. The time of 1:49.3 was just one-fifth off the world record Hana Hanover equaled last week.

USTA/Mark Hall photo

Hana Hanover (far right) won the $152,000 second division of the Glen Garnsey Memorial in 1:49.3, just one-fifth off the world record she equaled last week.

It was the seventh win in 11 starts for the daughter of Western Hanover, who is owned by David Red, David McDonald, Stan Klemencic and Malcolm Man Son Hing, and trainedby Mark Steacy.

Steacy admitted his filly was not at her best in the week leading up to the race, but she seemed to come back to form today.

“Her blood was down — she was a little anemic, and we weren’t sure whether to go or not,” he said. “But she was very good this morning in detention, so here we are.”

Liberty Skiberty and Before Dawn both left hard off the gate, but it was Marietta Hall who took the field past the first quarter in :27.1. Hana Hanover was out and moving toward the half in :54.2, but had no break around the final turn as Before Dawn challenged hard to the three-quarters in 1:22.

Isabella Blue Chip came fresh off cover, followed by Mind Boggling, but neither could get past the game Hana Hanover.

“She has a big heart,” said Steacy.

So favored was Hana Hanover among the nine-horse field that neither place nor show wagering was offered.

A daughter of $250,000 winner Hawaiian Jenna, Hana Hanover was a $35,000 yearling at the 2005 Standardbred Horse Sale Company’s Harrisburg Sale.

Jody Jamieson asked Michelle’s Power to make two moves and the filly responded both times — leaving quickly off the gate and closing with power after a pocket trip — to win the first split of the Glen Garnsey Memorial in 1:50.4.

It was the seventh win in 14 races for the daughter of Camluck, owned by Jeffrey Snyder and trained by Bill Elliott.

USTA/Mark Hall photo

Michelle’s Power made two moves — leaving quickly off the gate and closing with power after a pocket trip — to win the first split of the Glen Garnsey Memorial in 1:50.4.

Michelle’s Power left from post seven and had the lead past the first quarter in :28.3, before yielding to a first-over Lady Mattgalane. She sat second through the half in :55.3 and the three-quarters in 1:23.4, before tipping out and holding off the late challenge of favored Little Miss Dragon down the lane.

“She came off the gate real easy,” said Jamieson. “Before we got to the three-quarters, I wanted to get the jump (on Little Miss Dragon) who I knew was coming. I moved her and found a lane. She went all out to beat her.”

The mile was the first outside Canada for the homebred Michelle’s Power, who finished fourth or better in every start this year, except the Fan Hanover Stake when she tied up and finished ninth.

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