Point your smartphone to ustrotting.com

from the USTA Communications Department

Columbus, OH — The key features of harness racing’s most popular website, ustrotting.com, have “gone mobile.” Fans and horsemen can now get quick — and free* — access via their web-enabled smartphones or any other web-enabled portable device.

From the phone’s browser, simply visit www.ustrotting.com, where the latest news from the sport, entries and results from U.S. racetracks and lists of top performers in several categories may all be found.

There is nothing to download and no need to provide a user name or password. Once at the site, the user need only follow a few clicks or touches to find a wealth of current Standardbred information. The information contained on the site is updated at the same time as it is on the USTA’s main website, and also includes entries and results from county and state fairs in the U.S.

*Carrier-imposed fees for airtime and/or data may apply; check your phone contract.

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