SEP Member of the Month

SEP Member of the Month

A Sporting Chance: Danielle Strom and Sports Bar
by Anne Chunko

Sports Bar found a second chance, and a second career as a family horse, through the American Standardbred Adoption Program and adoptive owner Danielle Strom.

The pacer had been donated to the Wisconsin-based program after he retired from racing due to a fractured sesamoid in his left hind leg, according to Strom. The bay son of Sportsmaster earned $22,862 from 33 starts for owners Robert and Mary McGee and Richard Schrock. Due to his racing-ending injury,

Sports Bar is not suitable for stressful equestrian sports such as jumping.

“I ride western and English pleasure, but do not show,” Strom said. “I adopted him for fun riding and companionship.”

As a youngster, Strom’s family owned several horses, including two Standardbreds they for rode and drove for fun, so she grew up with an appreciation of the breed.

Strom related her first meeting with “Sporty,” as she affectionately calls him: I could tell he was a pretty horse, though covered in mud and a bit thin. He had never worn a saddle, but the farm director [Susan Wellman] and one of her volunteers put one on him, and we proceeded to lead some young children around on his back. He took it all in stride, even though I was nervous about the whole thing. Later, I reflected on how impressed I was with his calm and willing attitude, especially since there were also some ATVs being driven nearby and kids jumping on a trampoline. That’s why I chose him.

“Since then, he has proven to be just as calm and willing when I lunge, ride, or lead my young son around on him-all while still showing the spirit of a young horse. He always holds his tail high and seems to enjoy himself.

“He’s a wonderful, smart, loving horse, and I feel blessed to have crossed paths with him.”

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