Sep Member of the Month

by Anne Chunko

SEP Member of the Month

Rose Marie Baldwin & Arabell

By Anne Chunko

Youth member Rose Baldwin of South Carolina was given her Standardbred mare Arabell by her grandfather. Rose, who calls the mare “Bell,” shares the story of how she got the bay mare and her young colt.

“My grandfather went to the Modoc horse sale with no horse trailer and $20,” Rose said. “He wasn’t really planning on buying anything until we saw Bell (who had a colt by her side). She had three brand new riders on her while at the sale, and she did everything she was commanded to do.

“My grandfather went and talked to the owners. He told them that if they would bring Bell and her colt to my grandfather’s house, he would pay them double the money plus pay for the gas.

“They agreed, but they told him that they just wanted enough money to get out of debt, which was $3,000. He said that was fine. He gave them gas money and off they went to my papa’s ranch. The lady (who previously owned Bell) hated to leave her and the colt, but they had to. The lady calls once a month to check on me and Bell.”

Rose doesn’t have details on Bell’s racing background because the mare’s tattoo is not fully readable. However, that doesn’t stop Rose from appreciating her Standardbred. Rose and Bell enjoy trail ride and barrel racing. In addition, Rose takes her to a local farm to share her equine friend with people who can’t afford a horse of their own, by letting them have short rides on Bell.

“Trail rides are the most fun,” Rose said. “My horse always shows off. She is usually the best horse on the trail.”

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