Whatever It Takes

Mike Tanner

Columbus, OH — Last month, I received a phone message from a USTA member in New Jersey named Jim Fromm. Jim had a matter that he wanted to discuss with me, and so I phoned him back.

This was about a week after news broke about the unfortunate passing of Amanda Harris, the wife of trainer Andrew Harris. You might recall that Amanda fought a long and brave battle against breast cancer, one that, in the end, she did not win. I never had the pleasure of meeting Amanda, but as the tributes poured in and I read more about her, I wished that I had. The world obviously lost a special person.

Jim Fromm didn’t know Amanda, either, but like many others, her story touched him, too. What, Jim asked, did I think about an Amanda Harris Cancer Fund, or something of the kind that might be built to assist those in the industry confronted by similar challenges? My response was that it was a wonderful idea, but that due to a number of factors, the USTA wasn’t optimally constructed to develop or operate such an effort. Rather, I explained, the Association is better equipped to support and promote existing, grassroots efforts within the industry, ones that directly benefit afflicted individuals, and where specific needs can be addressed more efficiently. Ideally, we can help the industry rally around one of its own.

Steve Wiseman is regularly one of the top drivers on the California/Minnesota circuit. Cal Expo photo.

Here’s an opportunity for us — and you — to do just that. Veteran driver/trainer Steve Wiseman is fighting a particularly invasive and aggressive form of cancer, and a GoFundMe campaign has been established to help benefit Steve, his wife, Kathie Plested, and their family during this time of hardship. Steve is regularly one of the top drivers on the California/Minnesota circuit, and horsemen at both Cal Expo, Running Aces, and The Meadowlands recently conducted promotions designed to raise money for Steve, including the sale of tee shirts and wrist bands (in the Wiseman colors of blue, yellow, and white, of course), all bearing the motto of “Wiseman Strong” accompanied by a “Whatever It Takes” logo. The outpouring of love and support for Steve has been, well, strong, but not surprising. Steve is one of the most respected and well-liked horsemen in the industry.

With that in mind, please give a thought for Steve and take a moment to learn more about his plight, either by watching this recent Sacramento television news clip or visiting the GoFundMe page established in his name here.

We’re going to use our platforms to let everyone in the industry know about these efforts. We hope that you’ll do the same.

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