Legislative Summit set for Friday at Meadowlands

by Carol Hodes, for the SBOA of New Jersey

Manalapan, NJ — For several months horsemen and fans have been asking what can they do to save horse racing in New Jersey? The answer is “be there” on Friday, September 10, at 10 a.m. in the Pegasus at Meadowlands Racetrack.

That is the time and place for the second session of the Summit on Gaming hosted by a panel of New Jersey legislators. This session is devoted to hearing testimony from representatives of New Jersey’s racing community.

“This is imperative,” said Tom Luchento, president of the Standardbred Breeders & Owners Association of New Jersey. “We had a strong presence at the first hearing on August 6 in Atlantic City, and we need a large, respectful crowd on September 10. I know drivers and trainers have racing commitments but this should be a priority for anyone who cares about the future of racing in New Jersey.”

The SBOANJ asks those who have Save the Meadowlands t-shirts to wear them, and there will be additional ones available at the hearing.

“The legislators will be listening to testimony all morning and afternoon, and we know not everyone can devote that many hours, but we do ask for a strong showing when the session begins at 10 a.m.,” Luchento said. “For those who cannot come until the afternoon, your support is appreciated as well. We have a strong cross-section of horsemen and experts who will testify.”

Check www.sboanj.com for updates.

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