Massachusetts House approves slots at tracks

by John Pawlak, the U.S. Trotting Association

Columbus, OH — The Massachusetts House of Representatives — by voice vote on Tuesday morning — passed a bill that would legalize slot machines at the state’s four racetracks and establish two other casinos, and then followed that vote with two more votes against sending the measure back to committee and against allowing more public hearings on the question.

The bill would permit up to 750 slot machines at Plainridge Racecourse and Suffolk Downs and at two now-closed dog tracks.

Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick and State Senate President Therese Murray both have said they favor the casinos, but question the establishment of the racinos, but the Boston Herald reported that a member of the House leadership believed there would be enough votes to make it “veto proof.”

The bill, as reported by the Associated Press, requires a $500 million private investment from each of the resort casinos and $75 million from each of the racetracks, and would deliver $260 million in upfront licensing fees to the state.

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