2004 Horse of the Year Rainbow Blue Retired

Harness Racing Communications, a division of the USTA

The 2004 Horse of the Year, Rainbow Blue will be retired after aggravating the tendon injury that put her out of racing last June, according to a report today from the Wilmington (Delaware) News Journal.

The News Journal has reported that trainer George Teague noticed swelling in the previously injured tendon on Thursday and has made the decision to retire the five-year-old mare and breed her this season.

“It’s very disappointing,” Teague told the Journal. “But we don’t want to take a chance and put her back out there. I was hoping the problem wouldn’t raise its ugly head again. I think, without a doubt, she is one of the best of all time. She had all the tools – speed, endurance, and the will to win. She did her part.”

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