Important information regarding racing at Woodbine Mohawk Park

Milton, ON – Now that live (spectator-free) Standardbred racing is set to resume in Ontario, our entire racing community has a collective responsibility to follow all COVID-19 Prevention Protocols for the safety of our horse racing community and to protect our racing program from future disruptions.

To that end, we have updated our comprehensive COVID-19 Monitoring and Travel Restriction rules.

Horse people are to ensure that all their staff are familiar with and always following the below instructions. Please review thoroughly with your staff and reach out to Manager, Racing Operations, Megan Walker at, if you have any questions.

Travel Restrictions

Traveling within Ontario & Inter-Provincial Travel

Anyone traveling within Ontario & Inter-Provincial Travel will have to go through the daily screening process and online screening survey, per the normal procedures. In addition, individuals will be subject to WEG’s enhanced screening requirements/rapid testing (see: Woodbine Enhanced Screening & Race Day Critical Stakeholders Access Action Plan)

Traveling from the US

Horseperson/employees arriving from the USA will be required to follow all Canadian immigration rules which currently includes a 14-day quarantine and will be permitted onto Woodbine Entertainment property on the 15th day. Any horse person arriving from the USA who is granted a ‘quarantine exemption’ by Canadian Border Services, will be required to provide a negative PCR COVID-19 test to Woodbine Entertainment Security taken within 96 hours of their first entry to a Woodbine Entertainment property. For greater clarity, the PCR test can be administered by any accredited lab in the USA or Canada. Once a negative result is confirmed, the horseperson/employee will be permitted onto Woodbine Entertainment property through presentation of the test result document. For extreme clarity, only horse people or employees who are expressly granted a ‘quarantine exemption’ from Canadian Border Services are eligible for this exception. A signed WEG affidavit is required to confirm quarantine exemption. The responsibility of quarantine rules is entirely on the individual. Quarantine exempt individuals who have provided a negative PCR or Rapid Test result will be required to participate in Woodbine Entertainment’s Enhanced Screening Program (rapid test).

Proof will be required by each person in the form of a boarding pass, border crossing or anything that shows the date of return to Canada. Once Woodbine Entertainment Security has that date, a COVID-19 Form will be filled out by Security management and the 14-day quarantine period will begin from date of re-entry (pending documented proof).

Anyone returning from the US, who did not expressly receive a ‘quarantine exemption’ will not be permitted into the stable area or paddock and must quarantine for a minimum of 14 days before accessing the property.

Note: All Standardbred Horse People will be subject to WEG’s enhanced screening requirements/rapid testing (see: Woodbine Enhanced Screening & Race Day Critical Stakeholders Access Action Plan) that is in addition to these returning traveler requirements.

Woodbine Mohawk Park Quarantine Exempt Enhanced Screening Program

Horse people/employees who qualify for a quarantine exemption and will participate in the enhanced screening/rapid test program must contact Woodbine Entertainment Security at 416-675-3993 ext. 4244 and provide all necessary information including:

Pertinent Travel information:
Date of arrival in Ontario:
Covid-19 Test Result:
Quarantine information:
Other information as required:

The enhanced screening will take place in the lobby at the Mohawk Park grandstand (outside of race office) and all persons enrolled must report for enhanced screening prior to accessing any area work/racing areas. Woodbine Entertainment Security will be onsite every day to answer any questions related to the program, inform all individuals of number of required enhanced screening days, review the process and support individuals with the self-administered rapid tests and provide test results, when required.

Any questions related to the enhanced screening program should be sent to Shawn Wade at or at 416-675-3993 ext. 4244.

Traveling from Territories outside of the US or a Canadian Province.

The horse person will contact Woodbine Entertainment Security via phone and will supply them with the following information:

Date of Return:
Contact Info:
Barn Number:
License Number:
Country Arriving From:

Proof will be required by each person in the form of a boarding pass, border crossing or anything that shows the date of return to Canada. Once Security has that date, a COVID-19 Form will be filled out by the Security management and the 14-day quarantine period will begin from date of re-entry (pending the proof).

Anyone returning from a Territory other than the US or a Canadian Province will not be permitted into the property, including the stable area or paddock and must quarantine for a minimum of 14 days before accessing the site and must provide a negative COVID-19 test, which they must wait for a minimum of 10 days into the quarantine period before getting tested. In addition, individuals will be subject to WEG’s enhanced screening requirements/rapid test (see: Woodbine Enhanced Screening Backstretch & Race Day Critical Stakeholders Access Action Plan)

Thank you for reviewing the above rules with your staff and helping to keep Woodbine Mohawk Park safe and for protecting Standardbred racing in Ontario.

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