Lisa Giannelli doping trial may begin in late April

Columbus, OH —  According to a story by Natalie Voss in Paulick Report, “After a mistrial caused by a COVID-19 positive, Lisa Giannelli could be going to federal court in late April as part of the ongoing case surrounding what prosecutors say was a ring of racehorse dopers. Giannelli had originally been grouped with former veterinarian Dr. Seth Fishman at a trial that began in late January, but her case ended in a mistrial after one of her attorneys contracted COVID-19 in the proceeding’s second week.”

After a mistrial due to COVID, Lisa Giannelli’s new trial might start in late April. Photo courtesy of Paulick Report.

Giannelli is charged with one count of misbranding conspiracy.

In addition, Voss reports, “In previous court filings, prosecutors have portrayed her as an active sales rep for Fishman’s products, while the defense has characterized her role as more of a courier who delivered materials as she was instructed by her employer.

To read the complete story in Paulick Report, click here.

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