Sgt Papa Daddy rules in Vernon

Vernon, NY — Sgt Papa Daddy (John MacDonald) won the featured $8,700 Pace at Vernon Downs on Saturday (October 22).

Sgt Papa Daddy was victorious in the feature on Saturday evening at Vernon Downs. Fotowon Photo.

Sgt Papa Daddy ($3.10) went straight to the front and led to a crisp :25.4 first quarter.  He slowed things down with a :29.2 second quarter and eased to the half in :55.1.  As they went around the final turn Northern Rein (Frank Affrunti) was the first to make a moving going first-up and moved into second.  Sgt Papa Daddy cruised to three-quarters in 1:23.4.

As they made the turn for home Northern Rein came all out after the leader, but Sgt Papa Daddy found another gear and won easily in 1:51.4.  Northern Rein had to settle for second.  Party Boy (Michael Kimelman) came up late to get third money.

Sgt Papa Daddy is an 8-year-old gelding by Rockin Image.  He is owned by MacDonald and trained by Kim Hines.  It was win number four in 2022.  He now has 40 lifetime victories.

Leon Bailey drove three winners on the card.  MacDonald had a driving double.  Kerin Warner had a training double.

Live racing returns to Vernon Downs on Friday (October 28).

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