SRF’s latest on Killean Cut Kid

from the Standardbred Retirement Foundation

Millstone Township, NJ — During the week of Aug. 26, 2017, the 12-year-old son of Mach Three, Killean Cut Kid, was found in a Louisiana pen where horses are held before shipping for slaughter to Canada or Mexico. The volunteers of Save Our Standardbreds From Slaughter present on Facebook, stepped in to offer help with the assistance of the Standardbred Retirement Foundation.

Killean Cut Kid has been the controversial focus in the racing community and also received a great deal of attention from horse lovers everywhere, as it was posted on Facebook that he had been euthanized about one month earlier in Ohio.

Killean Cut Kid was presented in thin weight when removed from his appalling situation. He had Decubitis ulcers on all four legs, and a fracture. Decubitus ulcers are pressure sores causing the tissue to die and slough off. Killean Cut Kid had also chewed or gnawed through the flesh exposing his extensor tendon on one of his legs. There is no confirmation of how he sustained his injuries, but veterinarians suspect that they are from bandages on for too long a period of time or they were too tight, or both.

This week, now that he is in good weight, had time to heal and recover from his heinous ordeal, he will ship to Cream Ridge, N.J. to Dr. Patty Hogan who will perform grafts on his legs to reduce the scarring. The procedure, and recovery care are a gift to Killean Cut Kid. The same generous offer was also received from Dr. Barry Carter, located in Ohio.

All who care are anxious to see him get to his last stage of this ordeal, a loving home. A few wonderful offers have been received to give him a soft place to land for life. Click here to see a current video of Killean Cut Kid.

Donations are greatly appreciated and are tax-deductible, to SRF, 353 Sweetmans Lane, Ste. 101, Millstone Township, NJ 08535, through the website at, through PayPal to, or by calling SRF at 732.446.4422.

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