Hanover Harrisburg yearling videos now online

from Hanover Shoe Farms

Hanover, PA — Beginning on Thursday (Oct. 5) the Hanover Shoe Farms videos for the yearlings selling at Harrisburg on Nov. 6, 7 and 8 will be posted on a daily basis.

The videos of the majority of the trotting colts selling at Harrisburg are already up and are accessible on the Hanover website hanoverpa.com.

The videos will be put up on a daily basis.

The trotting colts will be followed by the trotting fillies on Oct. 6, the pacing colts on Oct. 7 and the pacing fillies on Oct. 9. The remainder of the consignment, weather permitting, will be posted on Oct. 10 and 11.

Once the videos have all been assembled, the yearlings will be available for evaluation at the Hanover Fairgrounds, daily, except Sunday beginning at 11 a.m., until they ship to Harrisburg on Saturday (Nov. 4).

For further information or to arrange an appointment please contact Dr. Bridgette Jablonsky or Murray Brown at 717.637.8931 or email at drjablonsky@hanoverpa.com or mbrown@hanoverpa.com.

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