Italians sprint to big lead over Americans after first day of competition

by Joe Faraldo, leader of the visiting American team, with help from John Manzi

Monticello, NY — Pastawith tears. Never heard of it?

Well just ask the four Americans who were led toslaughter in Treviso, Italy, in the first of three legs of the Italian American Challengerematch. In the two contest races today the Italians decimated the Americans.The best the visiting Americans could muster was a fourth place finish by TonyCiuffetelli.

Trevisois a 1,000 meter, or five-eighths mile racetrack, and each race was predictably wonby the Italians. Maurizio Scala won the first followed in the winner’s circleby the affable Giancarlo Moretti, whose famed Morano glass factory is worldrenowned.

Theunfamiliarity with the horses and surroundings didn’t help the Americans butexcuses aside, the Italians once again out-drove the Americans.

“We can’tblame the horses, we can only blame ourselves,” Faraldo reasoned. “But asit always seems when you don’t do well there is always something orsomeone else to blame and the truth is when you don’t drive well it is your ownfault”.

However,both Tony’s , Ciuffetelli and Verruso, drove well but the horses they drovecould have been more competitive with those our Italian friends had.However, our hosts have been treating us as well as could be expected,especially with good food and great wine preparing us for what might well be ourfate.

AsMike La Chance once said after losing a race in Delaware, Ohio,” I justturn the page and get ready for the next one.”

Tomorrow’s races are at Padova and for us a fresh start.It has to get better, otherwise we Americans will have nothing to hope for buta good meal and more outstanding wine.

Ifteam USA fails to catch up to the seemingly insurmountable Italian lead by thefinal leg at Cesena on Friday, the former Italian amateur champion, MicheleCanale, and friends will be waiting to carve up the remainder of what may beleft of our American team.

While it is true that amateur racing is all about humanrelationships it is sad not to bring home the bacon while enjoying thetremendous hospitality of our Italian hosts. The American team will heed theadvice of Mike La Chance and trek on behind the starting gate tomorrow.

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