Yonkers to introduce new finish line, camera and lighting

by Frank Drucker, Publicity Director, Empire City at Yonkers Raceway

Yonkers, NY — Yonkers Raceway is moving the finish line — for starters.

Chris Brokate photo/visual

The current finish line will be moved up the track by 105 feet, meaning the length of the stretch decreases from 660 to 555 feet.

The Raceway has, if you shall pardon the pun, put the finishing touches on the new finish line. The project, which has been approved by the New York State Gaming Commission, shall see the current line moved up the track by 105 feet, meaning the length of the stretch decreases from 660 to 555 feet.

With the ‘new line’ (and new quarter-pole) is a new, pole-mounted, robotic finish-line pan camera and dual-sided, mirror-image photo finish cameras (all in high-definition). There is also improved lighting around the area of the new finish line.

The project has been ongoing during Yonkers’ scheduled hiatus, completed and tested in time for the return of live racing this Friday night (June 16).

“We’re very excited to complete this work,” Raceway COO Bob Galterio said. “We’re striving to improve the video presentation, and this is going to make our signal even better and give our fans the best look at those tight finishes.

“As always, we appreciate the support of our product and welcome your comments.”

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