Who Says That skims pylons for Buffalo Raceway win

by Brian J. Mazurek, for Buffalo Raceway

Hamburg, NY — Who Says That skimmed the pylons and that ground saving journey proved to be the difference in the $10,000 Open Pace for Mares at Buffalo Raceway on a snowy Wednesday night (Feb. 15).

Using the passing lane, Who Says That (Shawn Gray) held back the late-charging Wanna Rock N Roll (Drew Monti) by a half-length while Looney Dune (Ben McNeil) finished in third.

Steve Roth photo

Who Says That scooted up the passing lane for the Buffalo Raceway win.

At the start, Looney Dune set the pace by posting times of :29, :58.2 and 1:28.4. Turning for the wire, the first over Honor Roll got the lead but started to falter. Who Says That in the meantime dipped into the passing lane and rallied to get the victory in 1:58.4.

Co-owned by Vogel and Wags Nags Stable, Christopher Shambo and Jack Rice, the 6-year-old Who Says That (Badlands Hanover-Powercorp) is trained by Maria Rice. It was the first victory in six tries this season for Who Says That, now a winner of $9,350 in 2017 and $103,478 lifetime.

McNeil helped throw a monkey wrench in the Pick-5 as he registered a double by driving Aritzia ($13.80) and Get The Look ($40.80) to victories. Larry Stalbaum helped out as well he took Power Off to a $37.80 decision to kick off the sequence.

With the big prices, Buffalo Raceway will have a $3,359 carryover in the Pick-5 heading into Friday night’s 12-race card that begins at 5 p.m. The Pick-5 starts in the second race.

Truman Gale had the largest win price of the night as he drove Paltrow Blue Chip to the $105.00 victory.

Gray finished the evening with a driving triple while Stalbaum and Ray Fisher Jr. doubled. Gerry Sarama and Jeff Amann each recorded two training victories.

For more information on Buffalo Raceway including the latest news, race replays, results and upcoming promotions, go to www.buffaloraceway.com.

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