Post Time line-up for Thursday announced

By Michael Carter for Post Time with Mike and Mike

Elkton, MD — Post Time with Mike and Mike presented byBetAmerica has a fantastic show coming up on Thursday (October 6) at 7p.m.

Obrigado has really showed his stuff as of late, including avictory most recently in the Dayton Trotting Derby. After a scratch inthe International Trot Field he was invited to Yonkers Raceway for the racenext Saturday. We will talk with trainer Paul Kelly about his trotter andhow he feels going into the race.

Driver Mike Simons will join the program to talk about howhis career got started in racing. Simons currently races on thePennsylvania circuit and is one of the top drivers in the area.

Our continuing series with the VIP Internet stable continueswith Tom Janes this week. The series highlights just how easy it is tobecome a new owner in the sport of harness racing.

Gabe Prewitt will be on again this week to talk about thehappenings at Pompano Park this week. Gabe will discuss last week’s racesas well as highlight the big things coming up this week.

Post Time with Mike and Mike, presented by Bet America, can beheard each Thursday at 7 p.m. on their website at,or on-demand at

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