Owner’s seminar held in Goshen

by Ellen Harvey, Harness Racing Communications

Goshen, NY — Prospective yearling buyers from New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania attended a free seminar for those considering first time purchase of a yearling this past Saturday (Sept. 17) at the Goshen (NY) Yearling Sale.

USTA/Ellen Harvey photo

Winbak Yearling Manager Jim Ladwig shows the class how the hock works and what to look for in a prospective purchase.

The seminar, free to anyone interested and geared toward those who presently or in the past have owned racehorses, covered topics like making a business plan, mapping out expenses, developing shopping strategies and staking procedures.

In the afternoon, class members headed to the stables to learn about conformation evaluation from Winbak Farm Yearling Manager Jim Ladwig.

Sale President Bob Boni also provided insight into conformation appraisal with horses set to sell the next day.

The next USTA event for prospective new horse owners will be held on Sept. 24 at Yonkers Raceway.

Additional information can be found here or those interested in owning a horse for the first time can call 877.800.8782, ext. 5555 or e-mail owners@ustrotting.com.

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