More money to Standardbreds in Massachusetts from Race Horse Development Fund

from the Harness Horsemen’s Association of New England

Editor’s Note: The following is a Race Horse Development Fund update sent to Massachusetts horsemen by Bob McHugh, the president of the Harness Horsemen’s Association of New England.

As most of you have heard, the Race Horse Committee, at the meeting held this past Monday (June 20) voted to provide the Standardbred Industry with 55 percent of the total monies from the Race Horse Development Fund, up from 25 percent and retroactive to Jan. 1, 2016.

The committee took a very thoughtful and thorough approach to agree on the new split and is a move in the right direction based on the current racing landscape in Massachusetts. The money from the Race Horse Development Fund will increase our ability to offer competitive purses for competitive racing and spur investment within Standardbred racing and breeding and further enhance our product.

Not to put a damper on this great victory, but we face a Thoroughbred industry that is fighting for their survival, which appears to be dependent on building an equine center. While many have called this a fantasy, as fans of horse racing we would like to see them survive since, in the long run, a strong horse industry would also be good for harness racing.

The biggest immediate threat is an Amendment that would transfer the decision making authority from the Race Horse Committee to the Massachusetts Gaming Commission. The Amendment states that up to 50 percent of the monies from the Race Horse Development Fund could be used for purposes other than purses. We cannot overemphasize the importance that every horse person residing in Massachusetts contact their Senator and Representative and request they vote against this Amendment. We previously distributed a sample letter to use as a guide for you to send. Let any director know or e-mail us if you would like a copy of this letter.

Issues to be Addressed

In awarding the distribution, the Committee made clear they were concerned about ensuring the local horse persons are not squeezed by outsiders racing at Plainridge. We also need to show that the Commonwealth of Massachusetts is receiving the vast majority of benefits from the Race Horse Development Fund and that the quality of racing improves and the industry is growing.

The Board is meeting on July 1 to propose races that will benefit the horse persons who have been racing at Plainridge. Having said that, it is important the local horse persons use the money earned to upgrade the horses purchased since we expect racing will become more competitive this year and for the foreseeable future. Your success will serve the dual purpose of helping local horse persons and improve the quality of racing at Plainridge. Most importantly, we will be able to show the Gaming Commission the funds are being put to good use.

You all know some trainers and owners who have left racing or are racing horses elsewhere. We believe the increase in purses will encourage former owners to consider getting back into the business and encourage horse persons that race elsewhere to come back to Plainridge. We will race 125 days next year and we need to show both the Gaming Commission and track management there is a renewed enthusiasm to race in Massachusetts.

We also have a number of other ideas, including a Bert Beckwith type day, that we would like to start again. However, we are all in this together so your input is requested and needed for us to be successful. Please contact myself or any of the Directors with any ideas you have.

Congratulations on all your hard work. We all need to keep working together to ensure continued success.

Bob McHugh,

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