Training rosters from two Northern Indiana sites

by Bill Peters

Edgerton, OH — This is the seventh of many installments on training sites in Ohio, Indiana and Michigan.

Trainers Sam Hedington and Jack Myers (assisted by Alex and Kristyn Udell) make use of private tracks in Northern Indiana to ready their horses for upcoming races.

Hedington is training a stable of three at his own farm track near Claypool while Myers is working with a stable of 13 at Hillcrest Farm between Middlebury and Goshen.

Many old-timers remember Hillcrest Farm as Hoosier Downs, which hosted many exciting Saturday afternoons of matinee harness racing in the 1950s.

The rosters of horses in each of their stables are as follows:

Sam Hedington
Dawnon Ponda,t,3g Keystone Blitz-Tamra Dawn N
Sack Full Of Faith,t,3f Justice Hall-Sack Cloth
Little Hot Trot,t,2f Pinetucky-American Breeze

Jack Myers
J S Foxy Lady,t,7m Semper Fi Hall-Redhot Filly Pepper
J-S Maple,t,4m Malabar Maple-A Student Hall
J-S Livethedream,t,3g Dr. McDreamy-Mayoress Hanover
J-S Miss Dream,t,3f Dr McDreamy-Hear The Music
RN Nan,t,3f Dr McDreamy-Ranger Nan
J-S Jazzy Dancer,p,2f Allthatgltrsisgold-Jazzy Justice
J-S Princess Glory,t,2f Guida Muscle-Princess
J-S Maple Jac,t,2c Malabar Maple-Carolling
J-S Miss Carolyn,t,2f Big Stick Lindy-Carolyn’s Fortune
J-S Soul Sister,p,2f Brother Lost Soul-Hems N Haws
J-S Mister Shark,p,2g Shadyshark Hanover-Luftpansa
J-S Winky’s Shine,t,2f Winky’s Pine-Monkey Shine
J-S Jesses Girl,t,2f Jailhouse Jesse-Whatsyourpleasure K

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