2016 Pedigree Camp set for June 17-19

by Norman Hall

Charlottetown, PEI — The 10th anniversary of Pedigree Camp is planned for the weekend of June 17-19 in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island.

The Camp begins Friday afternoon with an introductory session on pedigree basics for first time attendees followed by an evening get together and lobster dinner for all, including members of the Island horse breeding community.

There are two working sessions on Saturday with a morning devoted to broodmares and sire selection, and an afternoon on yearling and bloodstock selection. Saturday night is race night at the Red Shores Racetrack in Charlottetown.

A wrap up session on Sunday will test attendees on what they have learned and Sunday afternoon will be an opportunity to visit some of the breeding farms in the “Kentucky of Canada” followed by a wind-up graduation party in the award winning garden of host Norman Hall of Pedigree Matching.

Interested attendees should contact Norman at norman@pedigreematching.com for registration forms and further information. Deadline for expressing interest in attending is April 30 at which time final arrangements of a venue and accommodations will be made based on the level of interest. There is a $100 fee for the camp to cover the venue and dinner. Attendees will require a Guru level subscription to the PM Online website.

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