Books full for Muscle Mass and Mach Three

from Tara Hills Stud

Port Perry, ON — Tara Hills Stud is pleased to announce that the 2016 books are now closed for Muscle Mass and Mach Three.

Muscle Mass is the sire of two-time O’Brien Award winner Riveting Rosie and many other Ontario Sires Stakes standouts. He returned to Ontario this season and was very warmly received by breeders.

Mach Three, one of the leading pacing stallions in North America for several years and sire of the incomparable Somebeachsomewhere, sees his book close early for yet another season.

Tara Hills Stud thanks all of the breeders who have already confirmed their mares. There is still time to book to E L Titan, He’s Watching, Kadabra, Mr Lavec, Royalty For Life and Sportswriter.

For more information please visit the Tara Hills website.

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