Give back to SRF as a year end tax deduction

from the Standardbred Retirement Foundation

Millstone Township, NJ — The number of people who benefit from the speed of the racehorse is small, yet tens of thousands of trotters and pacers need help when their careers come to an end.

Unique in its mission, for 26 years the Standardbred Retirement Foundation has been helping Standardbreds only, of any age, and of all levels of soundness. SRF has 208 trotters and pacers under their full care every day, with 131 retired for life due to age or injuries, a great expense for a small charity.

This is why year-end tax-deductible gifts are greatly needed to care and feed these noble warriors who come right off the track, or are rescued just in time to avoid the horrific trip to the Canadian and Mexican slaughterhouses. Many come in need of rehabilitation from injuries and neglect, some need rest from years of pounding on the track, all need help to find a new life of care and compassion.

Since 1989 SRF has been helping Standardbred horses, and kids in its youth programs, combining their needs for winning results. More than 2,600 adoptions have been made with a lifetime commitment, as long as funds permit, to follow up, which assures good care continues in each home.

To give back to the horses that have touched your life and benefit from SRF’s 501c3 tax status as a non-profit, please send a gift to SRF at 353 Sweetmans Lane, Suite 101, Millstone Township, NJ 08535; make a gift through SRF’s website at; or contact Judy Bokman at 732.446.4422, e-mail

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