Ontario Resident Mare Program deadline nears

by Karen Hauver, OSS Administration Coordinator

Toronto, ON — Administrators of the Standardbred Improvement Program would like to remind owners of broodmares that foaled in Ontario this year that Sept. 1 is the last chance to enroll their mares in the Ontario Resident Mare Program for 2015.

Only foals of mares enrolled in and meeting the requirements of the Program will be designated as Ontario Bred, thereby entitling them to earn:

  • Ontario Bred Rewards to be paid to the person who enrolled the mare in the program; 15 percent of OSS earnings plus 15 percent of earnings in selected Open Stakes
  • Benefits under the Breeders Enhancement Program (2015-2018) being administered by the Standardbred Breeders and Owners Association
  • A portion of the new C$2 million Owners’ Bonus in 2017 as 3-year-olds. This bonus will be paid to the owner of the foal at the time of racing.

Anyone who did not enroll their mare for the C$50 fee before she foaled can do so up until Sept. 1 for the fee of C$300. Please note, for a mare to be accepted after foaling, definitive proof that the mare met the requirement to be resident in Ontario for 180 consecutive days surrounding foaling is required.

A list of mares already enrolled for the 2015 foaling season can be found on the Ontario Horse Racing website at www.ontariohorseracing.ca in the Breeding Program section.

For more information on any of the above incentives, please contact Robin McClure at Standardbred Canada (905.858.3060) or Karen Hauver (519.369.3545). Questions on the SBOA Breeders Enhancement Program can be directed to SBOA at (519.227.4294).

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