Drivers escape serious injury after spill at Balmoral

by Tom Kelley, publicity director, Balmoral Park

Crete, ILDrivers Kyle Wilfong and Mike Oosting were involved in a nasty spill in Saturday’s (Dec. 6) ninth race but both somehow managed to get away relatively unscathed with what appears to be just minor bumps and abrasions.

Oosting’s mount Special Joe appeared to take a bad step and fell while in contention with less than a sixteenth of a mile to go, catapulting him to the track where he appeared to get hit by a trailing horse. Wilfong, who was driving Extravagant Art, was trapped with nowhere to go right behind the fallen horse and was unseated from the bike but wound up being dragged down the track after becoming entangled in his driving lines.

Wilfong was checked on-site by paramedics and taken off the remainder of his drives while Oosting was transported to St. James Hospital for observation after complaining of pain in his shoulder. Neither horse was injured.

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