Changes to Mohawk’s live racing and qualifying schedule

by Mark McKelvie, WEG Communications

Campbellville, ON — The Woodbine Entertainment Group would like to advise horsepeople of upcoming schedule changes for both live racing and qualifiers.

Next Tuesday (Sept. 30) will be the final Tuesday card of live racing at Mohawk. The following week, Tuesdays will be dropped and live racing will be offered four nights a week on Monday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, with a post time of 7:25 p.m.

This live racing schedule will be in effect until the end of the Mohawk meet (Monday, Oct. 13) and will continue when live racing returns to Woodbine on Thursday (Oct. 16).

Horsepeople are advised that the draw schedule will remain the same: enter Monday for Thursday; enter Tuesday for Friday and Saturday; enter Thursday for Monday.

Beginning in October, the qualifying schedule at Mohawk will also be changed. Tuesday morning qualifiers will be dropped and qualifiers will only be held on Friday mornings at 10 a.m.

Qualifiers and training will remain at Mohawk until Nov. 15.

There will be no change to the training schedule, as the track will remain open on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday mornings.

The full schedule of qualifiers at Mohawk is available here: Friday (Sept. 26), Tuesday (Sept. 30), Friday (Oct. 3), Friday (Oct. 10), Friday (Oct. 17), Friday (Oct. 24), Friday (Oct. 31), Friday (Nov. 7) and Friday (Nov. 14).

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