Canadian Horse Racing Hall of Fame calls for 2014 nominations

from the Canadian Horse Racing Hall of Fame

Toronto, ON — The Canadian Horse Racing Hall invites the public to submit nominations for 2014 from both Thoroughbred and Standardbred industries in seven categories.

They are Male Horse; Female Horse; Person, Jockey, Driver or Trainer; Builders, included but not limited to Breeders, Owners, and Officials; Communicators, those who have told the story of horse racing in Canada including broadcasters, announcers, writers, photographers, etc.; Veteran Horses, whose careers have been completed for 20 years; and Veteran People which recognizes those whose careers and impact on racing took place a minimum of 20 years ago.

All nominations received will be considered by the Nomination Committees of the Canadian Horse Racing Hall of Fame. Both people and horses are eligible for nomination and in turn election to the CHRHF, regardless of whether they have Canadian connections, but have either raced in Canada or made a significant contribution to the betterment of racing in Canada.

To read complete eligibility requirements click here.

It is asked that nomination submissions be sent as a formal letter containing detailed information on the record and merits of each nominee along with the nominator’s contact information.

Nomination deadline is 5 p.m. on Tuesday (March 4) and submissions can be mailed, hand delivered, faxed, or e-mailed to: Chair of the Nominating Committee, Canadian Horse Racing Hall of Fame, 555 Rexdale Blvd., P.O. Box 156, Toronto, ON M9W 5L2 E-mail:

The final list of the 2014 Canadian Horse Racing Hall of Fame inductees will be announced on Tuesday (April 8).

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