Carryovers create spike in Wednesday Balmoral handle

by Tom Kelley, publicity director, Balmoral Park

Crete, IL — A pair of carryover pools and a low 15 percent takeout on the $1 Pick-4 wager created a nice spike in handle on Wednesday (Dec. 18) at Balmoral Park.

The total handle for the 10-race card was $841,102, up more than $115,000 from the two previous Wednesday programs at the Crete oval. The final pool on the $1 Pick-4 was a whopping $135,375 while the 10 cent Hi-Five wager generated more than $53,000 in money through the windows.

Below is a breakdown of the Pick-4 that players throughout the country were more than happy to take advantage of.

Pick-4 Synopsis:

New Money: $107,138
Carryover: $28,237
Final Pool: $135,375

15 percent takeout Wednesday: $16,070

Net Pool: $119,305 (minus new money: $107,138) equals surplus of $12,167

In other words, after all Wednesday Pick-4 bets were made, the new money of $107,138 was playing for $119,305.

Player Advantage: 11.3 percent

One Dollar Payout: $496.50

Win Prices: $6.00, 4.60, 10.40 and 9.20

$2 Parlay: $330.10
$1 Parlay: $165.05, less than one third of the $1 Pick-4 payout

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