Large animal handling and rescue courses held in Illinois

by Anna M. Ruman, DVM

Three trainings for first responders are taking place in Illinois this year to help them understand the basics of horse handling in case they are called out to a trailer accident or other emergency.

The training was developed by Dr. Anna Ruman of the USDA/Veterinary Services (also an owner/trainer) since these first responders can determine the outcome of your horse’s well being during an emergency.

A huge thank you goes out to Carl Becker of Fair Meadow Farm in Altamont and Dr. Ken Walker of Walker Standardbreds in Sherman for providing quiet mares for the people to handle.

The responders learned how to halter and lead a horse as well as the dos and don’ts of being around them. Rescue techniques were demonstrated that might be used in a trailer roll over or a horse stuck in any other unique situation.

Other species demonstrated were sheep, goats and pigs.

Dr. Ruman hopes to continue this project in other states that she covers.

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