CHRB task force seeks new wagering locations in state

from the California Horse Racing Board

Sacramento, CA — The effort to take pari-mutuel wagering on horse races to restaurants, bars, and other convenient locations in California communities received a boost this week with the creation of the Task Force on Mini-Satellite Expansion, which will more aggressively seek out growth opportunities for the program.

California Horse Racing Board Chairman David Israel named Commissioner George Krikorian to chair the new task force and Commissioner Steve Beneto as a member. Prior to holding any public meetings, the two commissioners will begin by meeting privately with those in the horse racing industry who have been part of the years-long effort to open mini-satellites.

“Clearly this program needs an assist from the Board,” said Commissioner Krikorian, who mentioned new legislation and incentives for opening “Class A” facilities to be operated by financially qualified, enthusiastic individuals as possibilities the group will explore in its effort to expand the mini-satellite program.

“The law and regulation authorizing mini-satellites have been on the books for more than four years now,” he added, “and yet only five mini-satellites have been opened in the state. Perhaps another four or five could open this year but that still would be far short of the 45 mini-satellites permitted under the law. Our goal is to expand the mini-satellite side of the business using all of the resources at our command. And part of that effort will be exploring issues and conditions relating to revenue sharing with the satellites and their radius of protection from competing interests.”

Commissioner Beneto said he hopes to take wagering to quality businesses, “places that are thriving with good traffic. Adding wagering to their menu will help those locations even more. It’s a win-win situation for everyone.”

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