Alan Kirschenbaum, 51, dies

from the California Harness Horsemen’s Association

Sacramento, CA — Saturday was a very sad day for our CHHA Board, for our fellow horsemen and horsewomen, and for the harness industry overall. It was learned that our friend and fellow horsemen, Alan Kirschenbaum, died this past Friday, Oct. 26.

Alan’s passing was reported in Saturday’s

Kirschenbaum was a major factor in California as an owner and breeder for many years. With his Stallions Little Steven, p, 5, 1:49.4m ($579,833) and British Sterling, 7, 1.56.2m ($232,714) standing at his Cherry Tree Farm in Wilton, Ca., Kirchenbaum helped to support the breeding industry in California. In the last few years he even waived his stallion fees to help the California horsemen breed their mares to help the horse population survive in California. He was also a huge supporter of the California Sire Stakes.

The son of popular Catskills comedian, Freddie Roman, Kirschenbaum grew up around comedy and with his talent became a top writer and producer in Hollywood with such hits as “Everybody Loves Raymond,” “Coach” and “My name is Earl.” He also was the co-creator of “Yes Dear” and “Friend Me,” the later in the mid-season lineup for CBS-TV.

But it was his love of the horses that got him hooked on harness racing. With longtime trainer Tim Maier and wife, Denise, their horses were a major factor on the California circuit. Little Steven, one of Kirschenbaum’s favorites held the Cal Expo track record for many years. Little Steven’s offspring have amassed over $5.2 million from 88 starters in California.

He also was a supporter of the California Harness Horseman’s Association, even serving as president, along with being an avid amateur driver, racing in several East vs. West Coast challenges.

“Saturday was a very sad day for our CHHA Board, for our fellow horsemen and horsewomen, and for the harness industry overall.” Alan Horowitz, executive director of the Association, said. “We are all greatly saddened by his death and extend our condolences to his immediate and extended family, colleagues and friends. We will miss him.”

Kirschenbaum was survived by his wife Vicki, daughter Molly, sister Judi and his parents, Freddie and Ethel.

Funeral services will be held Friday, Nov. 2, at the New City Jewish Center in New City, N.Y.

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