Hanover Shoe Farms Lexington yearling videos available online

from Hanover Shoe Farms

Hanover, PA — The videos of the 24 Hanover Shoe Farms yearlings selling at the Lexington Selected Yearling Sale are now available. They can be accessed at www.hanoverpa.com or through the sale’s website www.lexingtonselected.com.

These yearlings will be sold on the first two days of the sale, Tuesday (Oct. 2) and Wednesday (Oct. 3). They will ship to Lexington on Saturday (Sept. 29) and be available there for inspection beginning Sunday (Sept. 30).

For further information, or to arrange an appointment to come to see them at the Hanover Fairgrounds, please contact Dr. Bridgette Jablonsky at drjablonsky@hanoverpa.com or Murray Brown at hofmurray@aol.com.

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