Winbak Farm now has Canadian Open Yearling Sale videos

by Elizabeth Lewis-House, public relations, Winbak Farm

Chesapeake City, MD On September 15 and 16, Winbak Farm will be selling 28 yearlings at the Canadian Open Yearling Sale.

The 2012 lineup includes yearlings by Angus Hall, Badlands Hanover and Royal Mattjesty. This is the first year for yearlings by Shadow Play, a world champion and millionaire, and Classic Card Shark, a full brother to Bettor’s Delight and Roll With Joe.

Winbak Farm’s Canadian Open Yearling Sale videos are now online. They can be accessed by going to under the “Yearlings” page, and then by clicking the Canadian Open Yearling Sale link. Videos are then able to be viewed by clicking on the individual hip numbers. Videos are able to be accessed on I-phones and I-pads.

Any questions can be directed to Winbak Farm at 410.885.3059 or Winbak Farm of Ontario at 905.838.2145. For the latest updates on yearlings, find us on Facebook and Twitter.

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