Woodbine Entertainment Group’s CSR report highlights commitment to the community

by John Siscos, WEG communications

Toronto, ON — Woodbine Entertainment Group’s sixth annual Corporate Social Responsibility Report, A Strong Community Partner, released today, highlights the important role that WEG plays in the community and its industry-leading commitment to its stakeholders, community partners, employees, the industry and the environment.

“We are very proud of the progress that has been made in advancing our CSR agenda and have forged very strong partnerships within our various communities,” says WEG’s Jane Holmes, Vice President Corporate Affairs and CSR Officer. “Our partners throughout the community have come to depend on the valuable financial and volunteer contributions that WEG and our employees contribute.”

This year, WEG contributed more than C$1.1 million in corporate financial and in-kind donations, to more than 80 community-based organizations that are making meaningful and sustainable impacts. Community involvement is integral to WEG’s corporate culture where employees are empowered to shape the future of the organization, and encouraged to volunteer.

“(WEG) went the extra mile in the face of an uncertain economy and inspired others to make an exceptional investment in the future of our city,” says Susan McIsaac, President and CEO, United Way Toronto. “I am truly humbled by your caring and compassion. Thanks to the drive, determination, and commitment of your employees, thousands will have access to new opportunities and a better life.”

WEG has industry-leading policies, programs, and ratings for its safety and integrity in racing. The health and wellness of its human and equine athletes and integrity of the race are at the roots of the business. Its relationships with safety organizations, academia, and the community are one of the things that sets WEG apart from other racetracks in North America.

For its protection of the environment WEG boasts increased waste diversion, reduced energy consumption, and innovative infrastructure like a “Cool Roof” and solar powered light fixtures. As an Ambassador in Partners in Project Green, WEG works with other neighboring business to gain international recognition for an “eco-business zone” around Toronto’s Pearson Airport. All the while, WEG provides its customers a unique and unforgettable experience.

The complete report is at www.RacingTowardsaBetterFuture.com, or on the corporate website at www.WoodbineEntertainment.com.

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