A hat trick for amateur driver Alan Schwartz on April 5

by John Manzi, publicity director, Monticello Raceway

Monticello, NY — Amateur driver Alan Schwartz is at it again. After a pair of victories at Monticello Raceway on April 2, three days later, on Thursday (April 5), Schwartz had a hat trick, winning three races on the eight-race card, a feat that few, if any, amateurs can claim.

“Last June 12th — on All Amateur Day here — I won three races in five drives but today I was three for three,” Schwartz said after being asked if this was the first time he had three winners on a card. “But what was most satisfying about today’s three wins was that they were all against professional drivers.”

Geri Schwarz photo

Space Chalet was all alone in her 1:59.1 triumph.

Schwartz won the third race with Space Chalet in 1:59.1 for owner Tom Speron and then copped the fourth with his own Iroquoindianfellow in a time of 1:59.2. Win number three came with El Hombre Dan in 2:03.2. That trotter is owned by Raheim Strong who is the trainer of record of the nine-horse Alan Schwartz Stable and a close friend of Schwartz’s.

“Raheim is diligent, knowledgeable and an excellent horseman and I’m glad to have him on my team,” Schwartz said about Strong.

Needless to say, Schwartz is proud of what he has accomplished in his amateur career but he is especially pleased with things this season. He’s very proud of his amateur status and he plans on keeping that moniker.

“Why wouldn’t I want to continue as an amateur driver? I love the times when I go overseas to represent the American amateur movement in international races and driving competitions at various racetracks in a variety of countries in Europe as well as in Canada and Down Under. And I enjoy the friendships I make in amateur racing,” Schwartz said in explaining his desire to keep his amateur status.

Most of Schwartz’s 465 lifetime driving victories have come against professional drivers, although a decade or so ago he was the scourge of the Billings Amateur Driving Series.

Last year was the most prolific for the amateur driver when he posted 43 driving victories with the overwhelming majority against professionals.

However, this season Schwartz is looking for better things. Currently with 22 wins already in the books and a .401 UDR, he’s halfway home and it’s just early April.

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