Florida amateur drivers find a new cause

by Frank Salive, publicity director, Isle Pompano Park

Pompano Beach, FL — The Florida Amateur Driving Club has broadened the scope of their charitable giving and a trackside check presentation ceremony on Saturday (March 31) at The Isle Casino Racing Pompano Park served to cement the new relationship going forward.

“Here in Florida we hadn’t heard much about the Christian Harness Horsemen’s Association, but when we did, the view was unanimous that we would throw our support behind it,” said Jamie Marra, a driving force behind the FADC. “Until now our organization had focused on making donations to equine based charitable causes in South Florida but we feel great about being able to reach to the CHHA even though much of their work until now has been focused on tracks in the northeastern United States.”

The FADC’s mandate calls for the membership, all fully licensed drivers, to donate the customary five percent commissions earned from their weekly events to charitable causes.

“A few months back we surpassed a major milestone of more than $100,000 in donations to South Florida equine based charitable causes,” Marra explained. “The CHHA does such great work in reminding horsepeople on so many backstretches of the hope and guidance of Christianity. We’re really proud of the chance to begin an alliance with the CHHA and are glad to help with defraying their monthly newsletter and website costs. The check we’re presenting them with tonight brings to more than $112,000 the total of donations made by the FADC to date.”

For more information on the Christian Harness Horsemen’s Association, visit www.chha.net.

Appley Ever After makes connections happy

The Saturday night on-track feature was the $8,000 Isle Mile-1 Handicap Pace and it proved to be another showcase event in the meteoric rise of former $10,000 claimer Appley Ever After.

With Dan Clements at the controls, Appley Ever After darted to the front and parked race favorite Talk To Tony and driver Fern Paquet, Jr. to the quarter in :26.4. After a pocket trip through the middle stages in :55.3 and 1:23.3, Appley Ever After found sufficient clearance in late stretch to stop the clock in 1:51.4. Red Star Paylater with Doug Brown in tow loomed bold out wide in the stretch but settled for third.

Appley Ever After was priced at $10,000 as recently as March 3. In his last four starts in the track’s top classes, the 5-year-old Allamerican Ingot-Sandy Apple gelding has a pair of wins and a pair of runner-up finishes. Richard Noel of Livonia, Mich., owns the promising pacer along with trainer Mike Watson.

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