Horses eligible to OSS Super Finals released

by Karen Hauver, OSS Administration Coordinator

Toronto, ON — With the completion of the regular season of the Ontario Sires Stakes, a list of horses has been released that are eligible to be entered into the OSS Gold Super Finals to be raced at Woodbine Racetrack on Nov. 12.

Horses can be entered into the Super Final if they:

  • have competed in two separate Gold events during the season; or
  • have accumulated 20 points.

The top 10 point earners that are qualified to race will be drawn in, and the next two point earners will be listed as AE1 and AE2. Horses that were entered into the OSS Grassroots Semi-Final events are not eligible to be entered into the Gold Super Finals.

The draw for the Gold Super Finals will take place at 10:30 a.m. on Tuesday (Nov. 8).

Click here for the complete list of horses. As long as the horses are qualified at that time, they are eligible to be entered.

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